North Carolina Lawyers Help Clients with Challenging Family Law Matters

Experienced North Carolina attorneys provide skillful representation

Divorce and other issues that affect your entire family can be very emotional and difficult to go through alone. With our experience handling these highly personal cases, we can work with you to reach the best possible outcome and allow you to move forward with your life. At Khan Law Firm in Reidsville, we have a track record of capably and compassionately representing our clients, guiding them through divorce proceedings and advocating for their interests every step of the way.

Diligent attorneys put experience to work for divorcing clients

Divorce laws vary by state and, in North Carolina, you are only eligible to file for a divorce if you have been separated for a year and a day and lived in the state for at least six months. If you meet these requirements, our experienced team can file a divorce complaint on your behalf and push for an acceptable outcome to matters such as property division. We will advocate for your best interests both at the negotiating table and in the courtroom as you reach your final settlement, always aiming to provide strategic representation that minimizes the financial and emotional impact of your divorce and best positions you for what lies ahead. 

Accomplished lawyers provide capable representation during child custody disputes

Protecting vulnerable children is essential when negotiating a custodial arrangement. With our capable counsel, we can negotiate an agreement for joint custody — where both parents share physical and legal custody of the child — or sole custody — where only one parent has full legal and physical custody and the other parent is typically granted visitation rights. When presenting your case for custody, our lawyers will put forth a strong argument based on your caregiving abilities, the age of the child or children, the home environment and your relationship, calling upon outside experts like mental health professionals when necessary. In many cases, parents can work out mutually agreeable terms, though final authority belongs to the court based on what the judge believes is in the best interests of the child. With us by your side, we will strive for a decision that is best for you and your children.

Experienced firm advocates for favorable child support and alimony arrangements

A divorce is not only emotionally taxing, but it can also impact your life financially, with one of the biggest factors being child and spousal support. While the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines provide a guide in most situations, other facts may come into play when assigning an amount. Likewise, there is no requirement that a divorcing spouse pay alimony; however, determining that a spouse is dependent and how much alimony from the supporting spouse is appropriate depends on the circumstances of the case. Whether you are seeking support or defending against a claim, our team can help you best present your position for a fair determination by the court. 

Contact a trusted North Carolina family law attorney 

At Khan Law Firm in Reidsville, North Carolina, we provide clients with focused family law representation. Please call 336-899-0437 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation at our office.